The Full Moon in Capricorn part 2
The upcoming full moon will be happening on the 20/21 of July in the third decan of Capricorn at 29°09’. For those of you who have already read my previous full moon blog post, you’ll remembered that I mentioned that the themes that came up during the last full moon will be appearing yet again. However, since the previous full moon was in Capricorn I and this full moon is in Capricorn III, we’ll be met with a sense of closure that we might’ve been seeking even leading up to the preceding full moon.
Capricorn III, just like the 4 of Pentacles, talks about obtaining some level of security and stability. This becomes even more apparent when we consider that this decan’s co-rulers are the Sun and Mercury; both tied to success in business and acquiring resources. However, the fruits we receive in Capricorn III are very Saturnian in the sense that we must work hard and for a longer period of time before we reap the rewards. T. Susan Chang refers to this decan as “Money in the Bank,” and mentions generational wealth and the ability for a wealthy family to create their own coat of arms given their financial resources and overall status. It’s safe to assume that the wealthy family didn’t have a coat of arms in their first generation, but with time and effort, maybe the third or fourth generation would have had enough financial security and status to bring this family symbol into existence. This is why we see the man in the 4 of Pentacles holding tightly onto his pentacles. He had to juggle tasks/responsibilities (Capricorn I), work hard to refine his craft and collaborate with others (Capricorn II), before being able to sit down and rest with the pentacles he’s acquired by his side (Capricorn III).
Much like this man in the 4 of Pentacles, we can expect to be able to slow down a little bit during this full moon and appreciate the resources we’ve obtained along the way. This doesn’t mean that we don’t need to maintain what we’ve earned — far from it — but at the very least, we can give ourselves the chance to sit down after an extended time of constant work and refinement and have a moment of rest. Like the famous saying goes “it doesn’t get easier, you just get better at handling it,” so remember that it’s a result of your efforts that you can feel more at ease, even if the responsibilities you previously had are still there. I like to compare this decan to a long-time employee: it’s someone who evidently does their work extremely well, and is more than adequately compensated for it, but wouldn’t approach their responsibilities/tasks like a rookie would. With time and experience this person refined their craft and in turn, became more efficient at their job, becoming a pillar for their bosses/colleagues, even if that’s not how they first started out.
This full moon will be trining Mars and Uranus respectively. Though I usually don’t discuss the outer planets in massive detail, I think it’s important to make note of this given the Mars-Uranus conjunction that occurred last weekend. Lucky for us, Mars has separated from Uranus and is out of its reach (by traditional standards), so expect to be more motivated and inspired to take decisive action. Since Uranus is a planet of curveballs and sudden shifts, you might have some unexpected things pop up regarding the house that the full moon occupies, so you might be wanting to act impulsively. My advice is to take well-informed action, whether it’s spontaneous or not. The moon is ruled by Saturn at this time, so if you have good intentions and a good plan in place, there shouldn't be much to worry about in terms of doing the right thing/making the right choices. Remember: Saturn will always reward dedication and structured work and efforts. It’s one thing to act impulsively when you have no idea what’s going on, and quite another when you’ve got all the tools necessary to follow through on your actions.
If you suddenly get inspired to break a bad habit or want to initiate change in your life, this is definitely the time to put the wheels in motion; even if you may not know where it will lead you. Knowing it’ll positively impact you and your environment, and having the desire to make these changes is more than enough! Especially when you’re feeling more secure and confident in yourself, as a result of working away on the houses that are found on the Cancer-Capricorn axis. You’ve done your time, so trust that you have the knowledge and resources necessary to make these changes for yourself. If you follow through now, you’ll likely be in a much better place once we approach the following full moon which will be in Aquarius - the other Saturn ruled sign.
* For predictions/relevant themes based on your rising sign (natal or SR) reference my last full moon in Capricorn post here :)
Chang, T. S. (2021). 36 Secrets: A Decanic Journey Through the Minor Arcana of the Tarot. Anima Mundi Press.