Isidora Isidora

Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

We’re starting off the second part of eclipse season with a partial lunar eclipse in Pisces at 25°41’. With the Moon conjoint Neptune, sextile Uranus in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn, you can expect this partial eclipse to shatter certain illusions you’re still holding onto. 

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Isidora Isidora

The Full Moon in Capricorn part 2

The upcoming full moon will be happening on the 20/21 of July in the third decan of Capricorn at 29°09’. For those of you who have already read my previous full moon blog post, you’ll remembered that I mentioned that the themes that came up during the last full moon will be appearing yet again.

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Isidora Isidora

The New Moon in Cancer

Following the Full Moon in Capricorn we had on the 21/22 of June, we’re having a New Moon occurring at 14°53 in Cancer; you can expect this lunar transit to be lighter then the one before! This will be happening very early in the morning on July 6 for those in Europe, and on July 5 around dinner time for North America (00:57 CEST). Instead of the moon being in its detriment this time, it’ll be in its domicile in the opposite sign, offering a moment of softness in the lunar cycles. In addition, the New Moon will be co-present Venus, offering a supportive and welcoming energy to the themes found in the house where Cancer occupies in your chart.

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Isidora Isidora

The Annual Profections Series: My 1H Profection Year

As I further my astrological practice, I tend to find myself reflecting on my past through an astrological lens. One of the ways I’ve done this is looking at my past profection years, and seeing what themes popped up during a given solar year. Since I am halfway through my 2H year currently, I’ve had time to reflect on my 1H year more clearly, and thought I’d share my personal experiences on here. This will be the first of a series of written works that I will be publishing after each profection year. But before we get into that, let’s take a look at what annual profections are and how to calculate them.

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Isidora Isidora

The Full Moon in Capricorn

The first Capricorn full moon of 2024 is happening on June 21/22 (depending on where you live) in the first decan of Capricorn at 1°07’. Full moons are all about releasing and reassessing, so having this full moon in an earth sign will create a potential for finding practical and realistic answers to our questions while navigating this transit. It’s important to favour options that are sustainable long-term over ones that bring us comfort in the moment.

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